Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Terrific Tapioca Pudding

You might have noticed that bubble tea has been the rage for the last years.  Those mysterious, scrumptious tea "pearls" are tapioca!  Tapioca originally derives from Brazil, but is now found all over the world, especially in Southeast Asia.  Tapioca is a starch extracted from the cassava root and is sold as powder, flakes, meal or "pearls."  It is gluten free, protein free and often used as a thickening agent.  When I was a kid, all I ever knew about tapioca was that it was sold in those pre-made pudding cups and those were yucky!

A couple of years ago, I started making my own tapioca pudding and discovered that it is divine!  You can find tapioca pearls in most grocery stores and especially in Asian and Indian shops.  This recipe is super simple, scrumptious, great for guests and can be served warm or cold.

You can prep the pearls the night before or cook them the same day in with the rest of the ingredients.  I like to prep the night before so I have less chance of burning the pudding.

Place in a jar, close the lid and let sit overnight:

1/2 cup tapioca pearls
water to cover the pearls

Drain excess liquid and combine in a pan:

tapioca pearls
2 cups milk
2 tablespoons agave nectar (or sugar)
1/4 teaspooon vanilla extract

Slowly bring to a boil, stirring constantly.  Turn heat to low, simmer until pearls are soft and milk is a little bit thickened.  Garnish with fruits, seeds, nuts, coconut, etc.  Serve and savor!

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